Friday, February 25, 2011

Here is the link to getting your copy of "The Bracelet".

It's now available!!! Click the link above to view it!!


  1. Beth, did you publish with Amazon's CreateSpace? Your book looks fantastic and I like how you pursued your dreams.

  2. Oh my goodness, I am so excited for your book. I am waiting for my hubby to get home from work so I can use his card to buy it. The cover looks incredible and the content looks like a good read.

    What inspired you to write this? I love hearing how writers through the their dream

    Russo @

  3. @Jodeeluna-Thank you! No, I haven't gotten up on CreateSpace yet...hopefully soon. I have to look into it a bit more. I'd like to pursue a few other avenues as well...

    @Russo-Thank you for being excited! I'm excited that you're excited!! You asked what inspired me to write this book...well, my hubby and I (when we were first married) bought a little house that came with a ghost (no shit...I'm not lying) that tucked us in at night. When I wrote it though, I needed to make him "real", so that's where the fantasy part came in. Thanks for enquiring! And, thanks for following!!

  4. Hi Beth, thanks for stopping by my blog - I wasn't sure which blog you were using, you have a few! Decided I like the look of this one :)
    Congrats on another book out.
